3rd COMBINE Student Symposium 2012

We are proud to announce the ISCB-RSG Australia 2012 Student Symposium, a forum for students, post docs, and young researchers in the fields of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics! We invite you to submit an abstract and participate in the Symposium on December 13th, 2012 in Melbourne.

We accept abstracts from students and post-docs covering both scientific studies as well as novel tools and applications in the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics. These abstracts will be peer reviewed and some will be selected for oral presentations. The abstract submission deadline is Friday 23rd of November. To submit your abstract, see details below.

Registration is FREE, just fill in the form linked to below.

For people who want an introduction or an update on how to present research, we will have a workshop in October. We are happy to have Justin Zobel, an expert in this field, to speak about general tips, do’s and don’ts and common mistakes for poster and oral presentations.

A number of prizes will be awarded, so come along for a fun and rewarding day of learning!

Please note, there is unfortunately no longer a poster session.


For further information, please email symposium@combine.org.au

We thank our sponsor, the ICT for Life Sciences Forum, for making this event possible