
Creating connections between students and industry

A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.


Fireside Chats

Fireside Chats feature Australian and international bioinformaticians that are leaders across various industry sectors not limited to government, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. These informal meetings are currently run on Zoom, with the outlook of becoming in-person events in the future.
It is an excellent opportunity for current students to learn more about industry-related career pathways and from the successes of the invited speakers.

This program aims to:

Subscribe to our mailing list to hear about upcoming Fireside Chats. 

Dedicated Desk

Grab any desk in the common area — 1 day/mo included. Bring your device, pick a seat, and get to work. Also includes:


Dedicated Office

Grab any desk in the common area — 1 day/mo included. Bring your device, pick a seat, and get to work. Also includes:

Fireside Chats

Learn more and access recordings of previous chats.

Internships (TBA)

Connecting students with placement opportunities.

Industry Events (TBA)
Networking with industry representatives.

Industry Chats