Julien Soubrier - Fireside chat

Fireside Chat with Julien Soubrier – May 2024

Julien is a Senior Scientist – Bioinformatician at Pathology Queensland and Adjunct Associate Lecturer at The University of Adelaide. He commenced his training in bioinformatics during a Masters in molecular biology back in France, where he decided to specialize in evolutionary genetics. At that time, manipulation of larger datasets had just begun to emerge as the primary limitation in basic research. Since then, he has continued to develop his bioinformatics skills, employing them to complete research projects in phylogenomics, paleo-genomics, microbiology, and now for diagnostics in public health.

His career journey began with research in evolutionary genomics, primarily focusing on analyzing ancient DNA from extinct species, past human populations, and Neanderthals, aiming to understand evolutionary relationships between organisms better. He plans to share his experiences regarding the gradual integration of bioinformatics across all biological disciplines and the unique opportunities it has provided for interdisciplinary projects. Additionally, he will discuss current challenges and future possibilities in the field. Moreover, he intends to address the topic of career transitions within the industry, highlighting the utilization of bioinformatic skills and experience, as well as his current work in pathology.