Symposium 2024

The COMBINE STUDENT SYMPOSIUM is back in 2024 and will be held at the University of Sydney!

Date: 4th November 2024

Location: Abercrombie Building, The University of Sydney, NSW

Registrations and abstract submissions are open!

To access discounted member tickets, you need to have a valid ABACBS membership at the time of registration (free for students). You can manage your ABACBS membership through the ABACBS website. Visit the conference website here for more details.

Keynote Speaker:

Gordon Smyth

Career Panel Speakers:

  • Emma Rath
  • Jimmy Breen
  • Saskia Freytag
  • Yatish Jain

2024 COMBINE Symposium Committee

The organising committee is composed of volunteer students from across the country, and across a variety of research disciplines.

Conference chairs:
  • Andy Tran – University of Sydney
  • Farhan Ameen – University of Sydney

Committee members:

  • Alex Qin – University of Sydney
  • Changqing Wang – Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
  • Daniel Kim – University of Sydney
  • Jade Clarke – QUT Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health
  • Joshua Pople – University of Sydney
  • Lawrence Huang – Garvan Institute of Medical Research
  • Lijia Yu – University of Sydney
  • Manoj Wagle – University of Sydney
  • Max Woollard – University of Sydney
  • Sanghyun Kim – University of Sydney

For any enquiries please email

See our past symposiums here.